Saturday, September 12, 2009


I agree with my brother that Empire Strikes Back rules but the original three can't compare to the prequel. I think Lucas did an amazing job on the movies and if I had room The Phantom Menace would be on my top list. I can't help it if he doesn't agree. Yes Jar Jar was annoying but he was used to lighten up the story and the only movie he really show up in was the first. So to say u dislike the prequel because of one character is insane. And Pirates 3 was amazing. i thought that it did a great job of summing up the story of the dutchmen. Sure there were parts that didn't need to be in it but overall all it is a good movie. And it had some of the most impressing fight scenes I had every seen. So stop insulting great movies!
-Dork Knight Jr.

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