Saturday, September 12, 2009


I agree with my brother that Empire Strikes Back rules but the original three can't compare to the prequel. I think Lucas did an amazing job on the movies and if I had room The Phantom Menace would be on my top list. I can't help it if he doesn't agree. Yes Jar Jar was annoying but he was used to lighten up the story and the only movie he really show up in was the first. So to say u dislike the prequel because of one character is insane. And Pirates 3 was amazing. i thought that it did a great job of summing up the story of the dutchmen. Sure there were parts that didn't need to be in it but overall all it is a good movie. And it had some of the most impressing fight scenes I had every seen. So stop insulting great movies!
-Dork Knight Jr.

Just a Few Thoughts on Chandler's Top 20

I can't really knock my little bro too much on his choices for his top 20 movies for one reason his top 20 looks exactly like it should for a 13 year old. I would be a little worried if he had a few of the same movies on his list as me or if he had others like Pulp Fiction because I have seen more movies and I can watch movies he can't. Plus if he had a bunch of R rated films on his list he probably find himself in a large amount of trouble because our Mom reads this blog.

With that said I do have some thoughts on my little bro's top 20. Really I have just two bones to pick with him, but they are rather large.

1. How Can You Possibly Include one of the Prequel Star Wars Films on your list?

Don't get me wrong I liked the prequel trilogy even Episode 1 and Revenge of the Sith was the best of that bunch so if I had to pick one I would definitely say I liked that one the best. They were Star Wars movies, but Lucas focused too much on effects and did little with the story and should not have directed these movies. With that said Revenge of the Sith had the chance to be the best film of all of the Star Wars movies, but it lacked the neccessary emotional punches to get the job done. On the whole the film was good, but not great. I watched it again not long ago and was sad because with a few adjustments it could have been outstanding. I don't have the time nor the space to list all of the ways I would have fixed Episode Three, but here is where I would start.

Jar Jar is the worst character ever to be thought of and was pretty much responsible for the Sith taking over the Republic he should have paid dearly for that if not with a lightsaber to the head, being frozen for eternity in carbonite would be perfectly acceptable as well just as long as he never appeared again. In fact Lucas can right all the wrongs Jar Jar did to the fans if this is the first scene of the new Star Wars T.V. show. I would be happy and every nerd in the world would watch it and then buy the DVD just so we could watch Jar Jar meet his end again and again. Here's the difference between Han Solo and Jar Jar Binks, no one would ever and I mean ever try to rescue Binks from his icy tomb. He would probably just end up in Watto's junk pile buried underneath a bunch of rusty old droid parts where he would be forgotten for all time.

2. Pirates At World's End, really?
Probably one of the worst sequels ever made. I didn't like it and I hope number 4 redeems this lame movie. It does have an appropriate title because the whole time I was sitting in the movie theater I was wishing that it would end.

Overall solid list little bro, but you and I both know The Empire Strikes Back rules.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Unfortunately I have no quarrel with my brother over his movies. He gave me an amazing knowledge of movies. But I am sure he has a bone or two to pick with me. So stay tuned.
-Dork Knight Jr.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

There Shall be a Fight

There shall be a fight later on over our top twenty. So stay tuned.
-Little Bro

Kyle's Top 20 Favorite Movies

Unfortunately I have seen many great movies and a top 20 isn't even enough so here are a few honorable mentions before I start the countdown.

Honorable Mention:
Coming To America
Big Trouble in Little China
13th Warrior
Batman (1989)

Now on to the Top 20

20. Major League
My Dad and I stumbled across this movie accidentally twenty years ago and it has been my favorite sports comedy of all time. Great cast, still holds up well and is really funny.

19. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

18. Back to the Future

17. Spiderman 2

16. Untouchables

15. Rocky

14. Lethal Weapon

13. Die Hard

12. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

11. Field of Dreams

10. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

9. Scent of a Woman

8. Braveheart

7. The Matrix

6. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

5. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

4. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade/ Raiders of Lost Ark (Tie)

3. Inherit the Wind

2. The Shawshank Redemption

1. The Dark Knight

So there you have my top 20 favorite movies. I plan to add a little commentary later, so check this post again in a couple of days.

Chandler's Twenty Greatest Movies

Hi and Hello,
Young Dork Knight here and this is our first post. We have decided to compile a list of our Top Twenty Greatest Movies Ever. They are not in order of awesomeness. Sorry I am lazy. Oh and I had one extra. Here's mine:
1.The Dark Knight
2. Star Wars 3 (my brother being older thinks the originals are better. I disagree.)
3. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
4.Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe( there shall be very interesting discussions on the books)
5.Count of Monte Cristo
6.Lord of the Ring: Return of the King
7.Iron Man
8. The Matrix (awesomest movie of all time)
10.Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
11. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
12. The Man in the Iron Mask
13. Pirates of the Caribbean
14. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
15. Shrek
16. Shrek 2
17. Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At Worlds End
18. Indiana Jones and the Raider of the Lost Ark
19. Star Trek: First Contact
20. The Passion of Christ
Extra: One of the best Christian movies of all time
1. Facing the Giants

I can't wait to see what my brother has posted.
Little Bro

Monday, September 7, 2009


Welcome brave soul to the realm of the Dork Knights. We are two brothers 16 years apart in age who love watching movies, reading, and talking about it. I was sixteen years old when my little brother was born and we have been best friends ever since. Here you will find both our perspectives on various movies, tv shows, and books and believe me even though we are best buds we don't always see eye to eye. Plus I am almost thirty and he is thirteen so you can imagine our tastes are slightly different. So I hope you will check us out. We should have our first articles up pretty soon. Sometimes we will review new movies and shows or we will suggest some older ones that are worth a look. Well's that all for now, stay tuned.